Gunstock Acres Trust Moorings Rules
Mooring Field Constraints:
The mooring field was approved by the State decades ago and laid out for vessel lengths between 19’ – 23’. The ability of the field to accommodate vessels greater than 23’ is limited. Please consider this when procuring a vessel you plan on putting on the field in the future.
We would highlight one rule change, and that is the maximum length of the tether line from the mooring ball to your boat must be no longer than 5 feet (it used to be 6 feet). We simply are having too many complaints of insufficient maneuvering room between boats, and/or boats touching during periods when winds/waves cause boats to drift off the ball at different angles. We’ll pick up 2 feet of additional space/swing room with this change, which should not alter one’s capacity to safely tie up to the ball.
As a cover note to the application, We feel compelled to mention that during the 2023 season we had a number of incidents where mooring holders, and waitlist homeowners, blatantly disregarded mooring field policies (particularly with respect to tie-up time on the dock) and became confrontational when fellow members reminded them of the rules. Please be reminded that there is zero tolerance for aggressive, confrontational behavior within the GACPT community. Continued use of the mooring field is a privilege, not a right, and failure to adhere to mooring field policies could result in removal of the privilege of mooring use, or removal from the waitlist.
General rules:
- To prevent breakaways, two mooring lines in good condition at a maximum of 5 feet are to be in place at all times.
- Boat dock usage is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes.
- Dinghies are to be stored in the assigned rack space with the same number as the mooring, with no dinghies left on ground/shore. Maximum dinghy width is 48 inches.
- It is expected that moorings will be in use by the assigned boat and that mooring will not be secondary to another mooring or slip. At a minimum, it is expected that the mooring will be used continuously during June/July/August. Usage will be monitored through the course of the season and the Trustees and the Harbormaster retain the right to revoke mooring for lack of use unless there has been approval by the Harbormaster based on extenuating circumstances.
- The mooring fee covers the boating season from Memorial Day weekend in May to Mid-October 15. All moored boats must be out of the water no later than October 15. Failure to comply may result in loss of mooring.
- GACPT does not provide security at the beach or the mooring field and neither GACPT or its representatives will be responsible for any loss or damage to any property of the undersigned, including, but not limited to, their boat.
- Moorings are to be used only by the registered boat that is on record with GACPT Harbormaster and with the State of NH Marine Patrol.
- All moorings will be maintained by the GACPT in an appropriate manner; however, the use of a mooring and/or GACPT facilities by the mooring owner and/or their guests is at their own risk. Neither GACPT or its representatives will be responsible for any loss or damage to any property, consequential or otherwise, resulting from their use or failure of the moorings and/or acts of God.
- All mooring users must follow safe boating practices and abide by the rules and regulations for the safe operation of boats by the State of NH as well as those of the GACPT. Anyone not in compliance with these rules and regulations may have their boat removed by the State of NH Marine Patrol which could lead to loss of mooring depending on circumstances.
Requirements for eligibility and sustained use of a mooring:
- Only property owners in Gunstock Acres — defined as the person(s) on the deed — and direct descendants who live at the GA address (provided it is their legal address) are eligible to apply for and maintain use of a mooring. All vessels on the mooring field should be registered in the homeowner’s name with GA address.
- Moorings are awarded based on the ranking of GA members on the mooring wait list. Once awarded, the mooring can be held on an ongoing basis so long as a valid renewal application is filed annually with the harbormaster, the original terms of eligibility are maintained, the mooring holder maintains adherence to the rules above, and demonstrates safe boating practices while within the mooring field. Moorings do not pass with a change of home ownership from that which was on record at the time of the original award of the mooring, whether that change is within or outside of the original homeowner’s family. To be clear, the mooring does not transfer to a descendant should a parent (the original mooring award holder) sell, assign, convey, gift, or bequeath their GA property to an offspring.
Any questions about the mooring field can be sent to lilygacpt@gmail.com or find the information on the contact page. They will be directed to the harbormaster.