Gunstock Acres Trust Moorings
GACPT operates a congregate mooring field along side our beach which contains 42 moorings, the maximum currently permitted by the State of New Hampshire. Each mooring is assigned on a first come, first served basis and may be used each successive year until surrendered as long as the mooring user provides GACPT with required registration information and pays the annual dues as required each year. The maximum size boat allowed is thirty feet (30′).
Waiting List
A waiting list for moorings is maintained in chronological order by the Harbor Master. As a mooring becomes available, the next person on the waiting list is notified and may choose to take the mooring. If they decline, they are moved to the end of the waiting list and the next person on the list is offered the mooring. Generally, about one fourth of the moorings become available each year. To place your name on the waiting list, please call the Harbor Master. A copy of the most recent waiting list appears here.
Click to View the Current Wait List >
Dinghy Racks
There are dinghy racks available with assigned space for mooring users for a dinghy or craft with a maximum 48″ width. There are also non-assigned spaces for non-mooring users. All dinghys and other crafts on the dinghy racks must be removed at the end of the season (Oct. 15). GACPT is not responsible for any dinghys or other crafts not removed by the owners at the end of the season.
Boat Ramp
GACPT has a boat ramp that is suitable for launching dinghys, canoes, kayaks, and small boats that can be launched by hand. The ramp is not suitable for launching boats from a trailer. A boat ramp is available at the Town of Gilford marina about 1 mile away.
Boat Dock
GACPT has a small boat dock for mooring users to pick up and drop off passengers and supplies. Boats can tie up at the dock for a maximum of 15 minutes. We ask all boat operators to be courteous and accommodating to other boat owners.
Mooring Fees
GACPT establishes the mooring fee for each year at the Trust’s annual meeting as part of the regular budget process. The mooring fee covers the State of New Hampshire mooring registration fee, expenses of operating the mooring field, including the installation and removal of mooring balls, and inspection and maintenance of chains and hardware each year, and funds for general repairs and replacement of mooring equipment, docks, etc.
Any questions regarding the mooring field should be directed to the Harbor Master, Jack Kelley.