Kayaks, Canoes & Small Personal Water Craft
The Gunstock Acres Common Property Trust allows for the storage of kayaks, canoes, paddle boards and other small personal water craft in designated areas at the beach.
The following rules apply:
- All small vessel racks are numbered. Please contact the trustees via email (gunstockacrescpt@gmail.com) when you bring your vessel down to the racks, not before, to provide your name and the number of the rack. Rack space may not be “saved.” All vessels must have a members’ name assigned to them.
- In the interest of being considerate of the large number of trust members, only 2 shelves or 2 vessels per family may be stored at the beach.
- The storage season runs from 5/15 until 10/15 each year. All kayaks, canoes, etc must be removed annually by 10/15 each year. Attempts will be made to contact owners and if the item if left, will become the property of GACPT and removed.
- Numbered racks along the eastern side of the mooring field parking area are for mooring holders only.
- Numbered “A frame” racks are available on a first-come/first-serve basis for the season.
- Water vessels should be affixed with the owners’ name and contact details and locked when possible.
- No small vessels may be left on the ground or chained or locked to trees or other permanent objects.
- Gunstock Acres Common Property Trust assumes no risk for personal water craft stored at the beach. All risk of loss or damage is assumed by the owner of the water craft.