The GACPT Trustees are looking forward to a great ’24 summer season. Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
5/1 Beach gate is open!
5/15 Mooring field is open.
Spring Beach/ Common areas clean up 5/18 8-12 please bring any rakes, gloves or other gear you may need to help out.
All meetings will now take place at Gilford Town Hall to access better technology for members who attend meetings remotely.
Information Meeting- 6/8 1:00 pm The trustees will update members about improvement plans for the upcoming season and answer any questions they may have. No voting takes place at this meeting.
Budget review and approval for ballot meeting 9/1 12:00pm- John McGowan will review in detail the proposed budget for the upcoming year to be put on the upcoming ballot. Members will be asked to vote to approve the proposed budget at this meeting to put it forth on the ballot.
Annual meeting 10/5 1230 pm- Members will be able to vote for trustee positions (2), the proposed budget, other ballot items, Trustees will review the year’s events. Please come to vote for motions in person or have someone attend with your signed proxy in your stead. The meeting is run in a modified Robert’s Rules format.